Support of student research projects, dissertations and other projects

by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Eulenschutz im Landkreis Ludwigsburg 

(Working Group for Owl Protection and Owl Research, hereinafter referred to as AGE)

of Naturschutzbund Deutschland (NABU) - local group Oberstenfeld e.V.

1. Objectives: Promotion of work that ...

* support the protection of owls: Conservation of habitats, measures that support and expand owl populations, etc...,

* research the biology of owls,

* deal with cultural and art-historical aspects (owl-human), 

* include pedagogical concepts of the above-mentioned points (e.g.: didactics, school, museum pedagogy).


2. Funding can only be granted upon application and will only be paid after the original invoices have been submitted.

3. The following applies to the approval of funding for academic papers: 

Applicants must submit the topic of the work (working title) and its type (term paper, bachelor's thesis, master's thesis, dissertation, etc.), the planned outline of content, the objectives of the work as well as the expected date of completion at the time of application. The scope and a detailed justification for the requested funding must be evident from the application.

The application must be accompanied by a letter of confirmation from the institution where the work is to be completed. This cover letter must be signed by the teachers to be named and supervised.


The support by the AGE is to be mentioned in the funded work in combination with the printing of the logos of the AGE as well as the assigned NABU organisation.


After completion of the work, a free copy is to be sent to the AGE immediately. The AGE is entitled to the free exploitation rights, e.g. publication, of the work (possibly in excerpts).  


4. The coordinator of the AGE together with his deputies, the editors of the Kauzbriefe, the treasurer as well as the sponsor administrator decide on the allocation and the respective amount of the funding.

5. By submitting an application, the applicants declare their agreement with the above-mentioned guidelines.


Interested? Then please contact

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